S.I.L - Significant Important Loved

Home For Every Child

The organization’s mission is to create a group home that will be a real, stable, warm and supportive home for the child.


Mission Statement

The organization’s mission is to create a group home that will be a real, stable, warm and supportive home for the child. The model we created puts the child at the center of its activity and out of the child’s needs derives the treatment, which is a personal program in its essence. Which provides a comprehensive response to his needs. The organization’s intent is to increase the child’s chances of being a happy, mentally balanced child that will grow up to be a healthy, happy, responsible adult and contributing member of society.
We believe that children who have been removed from their homes deserve affirmative action!!! They need more tools and help so that as adults will not return to the circle which they were born into, but will break it, progress and succeed in their lives.
Children need a sense of belonging to be relaxed and happy. The stability of the project and the knowledge that they have their own place with a team that loves and cares for them will provide the sense of belonging that these children yearn for.

Home for every child

For years now, the foster care system has struggled to make any significant improvements. The history of failures within this system is long:
Amy was raped by her drug-addicted cousin when she was eight. Then, when she was eleven, she was raped by her mother's alcoholic boyfriend.
Eleven-year-old Matt is beaten daily by his mentally unstable mother and has to visit the E.R at least once a month!
To escape the harsh reality of poverty, 15-year-old Jenifer started dating an older man but he got her pregnant and then deserted her.
The list goes on and on.